Along with the flowers we have enjoyed some produce too. We should have erected the greenhouse earlier (there's a saying in gardening that the difference between a good and bad gardener is two weeks) as taking so long to get that sorted meant that we were late with everything. Tomatoes, sweetcorn and peas were all too late. Only the beans and potatoes went in on time. Next year we will be on top of it but there's no point being depressed about it as we've still enjoyed the gardening aspect of it despite the fact that the tomatoes have not ripened, the sweetcorn is only two feet tall and we missed out on several vegetables altogether.
We've had enough beans to give several lots to Jack, next door but only enough peas for two meals but that is probably because I eat them straight from the pod as I am picking them. Our mint has been great but that's not saying much as it grows like a week.
Here are some gifts though which we've been most grateful for.

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