Well, how long has it been? Weeks, I think. I've almost forgotten how to type.
The gardeners amongst you will know the reason for my absence. It was August and there was much to do in the garden.
It's a dilemma sometimes; do I spend time writing up what's been happening in the garden or do I actually garden.
I'm starting to wonder if my subconscious chose this house because of it's proximity to the garden centre. The guy who commented on me being there a lot yesterday told Luke they were going to get me a job up there. I said I would spend more than I earned and that's probably true! Especially seeing as they have one of my favourite things ever going on up there - a SALE! I've also earned myself thirty pounds worth of garden vouchers and you know the amount of money you have to spend to get anything back from shops. Gulp. It's no good regretting it because I'm a demon when it comes to 1) A garden centre and 2) A sale. A lethal combination, I'm afraid. Too late, it's done now so no use worrying about it; I shall just appreciate the new things to look at and admire.
I was in the process of creating a colourful border last time I wrote and since then I have extended that slightly. My aim is to dig a large sweep around the base of the tree, twice as big as the one we have there now. Digging around tree roots is hard work. However, with Luke's help, I dug out a pot full of pebbles and stones and dug in half a large pack of decent soil improver. To that I added about forty bulbs to naturalise around the tree's base and give us the promise of some Spring interest. Then I've extended the hot and cool colours by adding yellow and orange Celosia (feathery flower heads), frosty white and indigo Salvias and some crisp white Cyclamen which should last a good while. They just sing out with their purity and catch my eye to remind me why I've always chosen white for the garden.
There's been a casualty since I last wrote. A leap from the bushes and a quick rustle under the bird feeders produced Socks, next door's cat, with a large dead blue tit in her mouth. I gave chase and waited to see if I could rescue it but when she put it on the ground it was definitely dead. What a shame! Our feeders are high enough up but cat's are patient hunters and obviously this tit was no match for her skills.
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