The snow is thick on the ground, we have milk and bread after a quick trudge to the local convenience store (why do people think they have to have milk and bread in bad weather?) and plenty of logs and coal for the stove.We thought this snow was deep until the car was completely covered, up past the number plate and obscuring the wing mirrors - completely hidden in a mass of snow. It looked like the car had it's 'ears' pinned back!
Now all we have to do is enjoy the changing face of our garden. The snow is 20cm deep out there and it's the most marvellous powdery snow which compacts easily for snow ball fights. Here I am, cold against the wall to show you the amount of snow by 10.30am.
This was our overnight snowfall.
Getting to 20 cms. If you click on the photo you can read the ruler properly.
The majestic oak in the adjoining field stands proud and tall looking like a skeleton against the sky.
The birds are busy stealing peanuts from the feeders, flying off when an overhanging bough gets so heavy with snow that it drops it's load. It really is a Winter Wonderland. My brother, visiting relations in Australia is missing all of it and will be happy to do so. There's nothing one can do in this weather much better than sit indoors and marvel at it's beauty.
The picture above is a view from the front bedroom window.
This ghostly Christmas tree, below, is the reflection on the conservatory window of our indoor tree.
Above is the birdbath. I don't think the birds will be using it for a while!
The view from our loft window, overlooking the garden. The greenhouse in front of the shed houses a naughty chicken so we thought it best to brush all the snow off, 8 inches worth as it's got to be pretty heavy.
Christmas decorations. We have placed the tree in the conservato ryto keep it nice and cold. Although with the compacted snow on the roof it's actually keeping the space quite snug now.
There are photos of the birds in the snow on my latest posting. There are so many snow photos that I've gone a bit mad with my posts!