Another total white out again today. Tiny snowflakes swirling from every direction into a blizzard of white. We'd been expected more snow on Wednesday so today's was a surprise. Knowing we may get it worse and running out of milk we decided to have a hearty walk to the local supermarket, a round trip of just under 2 miles. Going there was fun because it was pretty and we were travelling light but on the way back, with a backpack and four bags of shopping between us (we bought a tiny turkey - just in case) was hard work. We stopped off for a rest on the turnstile and some kind stranger pulled up alongside us in his car and offered us a lift up the hill. I would have jumped at the chance but Luke said we were fine, thank you anyway. As the chap drove off I shouted after him, "We may catch you up and have to give you a push" and he laughed. His kindness meant he had lost his momentum on the hill and when he had to stop ten metres ahead of us for a passing van he was stuck. Down went our shopping bags and before he knew it we were both pushing his car to start it again. With a cheery toot he drove off and we took the opportunity to take a few photographs of the snow (and for me to have a rest). When we got home we were tired out; it's hard work walking through thick snow with a heavy load so all plans for DIY were cancelled and I had a lovely afternoon nap. Luke scooped up the remains of last night's belly pork and threw out the fat for the birds. Within minutes we had a blackbird, a robin and two jays feasting on it (not at the same time).

Behind Luke is the field we made snow angels in a couple of days ago, all trace now completely gone. Behind him, on the horizon, is our road. So near yet so far.
Above: Luke trudging uphill.
Me getting a phone call from work. I was glad of the rest to stop!
The snow novelty has now worn off though and the weather is a real threat to our Christmas plans. But I'm quite excited in a way that we'll have to make do. None of the presents I have bought have been delivered so it'll be a simple Christmas and we have invited Jack and his cat around on Christmas day if he can't get to his daughter's house and we can't get to my Mum's. Because we don't have a stack of presents to fall back on it will be just a lovely simple affair. That's not so bad, is it?
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