Someone stop me - please!!
Day off today, Luke took the car, I couldn't go shopping (aka spending) so what happened? Jack, the neighbour took me to the garden centre! And of course, the rose offer was still on and my favourite rose, 'Winchester Cathedral' was there so......,
we were back within half an hour; twenty quid the poorer (yet again). We now have three apricot roses at the front of the house and for the back garden we have one crimson, three white, one climber and two pink roses (plus one for Mum when we next see her). Who needs that many roses? Well, obviously I do.
My back aches like mad today, way too much gardening over the last two weeks (and still four roses to plant!)Actually it was doing the boring sieving for stones (it's not all glamour in the garden; far from it) when I put too much in the sieve to hurry up the process. It didn't work, proved too heavy and I had to tip half of it out but whilst shaking my maracas (or sieve!) I put my back out. Ouch!
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